An effective ESV programme will provide a range of volunteering opportunities so that as many employees as possible can participate in a volunteering role that they will enjoy and find of value. Consideration should be given for employees with differing personal needs and circumstances.

On this website you can browse a range of volunteering roles available throughout Gloucestershire and we can provide support to businesses to identify non-profit organisations and roles that may be of interest to your employees.

Types of employee volunteering roles include:

·       One off or short-term

·       Longer term

·       Skills based

·       Community based

·       Virtual volunteering

One off or short-term

Typically short and specific tasks that are easy to start and complete. They are ideal for people who have limited time or who want to get a sense of volunteering without a longer-term commitment. Eg: delivering careers talks to students; helping people develop CV and interview skills; delivering leaflets advertising specific non-profit events; participating in a team challenge day event such as for decorating community venues


Skills based

This might involve employees using professional skills to help organisations to achieve an aim which otherwise might be too expensive or difficult for them to deliver. It will help the volunteer to develop their professional skills in a more social setting. Eg. social media expert providing social media training and support; an IT expert providing computer expertise and advice; a financial expert helping to develop a finance performance forecast; and, an architect delivering lectures and assessment to students.



This provides practical help to community areas and groups. Eg. cleaning of verges around location of business premises; volunteering at their local food bank; decorating community buildings; building play centre equipment areas at children’s centres.



Virtual volunteering has risen significantly in popularity during the past few years. It can provide a cost-effective and flexible way of volunteering. Eg. befriending and supporting isolated individuals; providing information and advice to beneficiaries of healthcare charities; translating and editing; social media support; administration tasks; online and phone counselling; graphic and web design support; teaching and mentoring; and, legal support.



These allow the business to make a more significant commitment to supporting non-profit organisation over a period of time, developing closer relationships for both businesses and volunteers and being able to contribute more fully to supporting causes and communities. Eg: coaching and mentoring VCSE staff; positions of responsibility such as Charity Trusteeships; sports coaching and club management; and school governor. Also, ongoing relationships supporting building renovation and maintenance.