Fundraising Assistant

Fundraising Assistant

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
HostingSupervisingCooking & eatingOutdoorsEvents & festivalSportsClearing litterYouth work
People with disabilitiesChildren & youthCommunity & family

Contact person

Rachael FletcherAsk Rachael a question
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Plan fundraising events, log donations, contact donors and support fundraising initiatives?

Detailed description

Allsorts is a pioneering local charity that works with families with children who have disabilities or additional needs. Strongly rooted in the local community, we want to involve as many people as we can in building an inclusive Gloucestershire where people with disabilities and additional needs are included and able to contribute.

In this ever-changing economic climate we need more help than ever to meet our fundraising targets, and at the same time, demand is growing for Allsorts and our activities.

How much time should you offer? When would you be needed? Where will you be based?

·      We would ask you to volunteer for between one and two mornings or afternoons during the week.

·      This role is based at The Allsorts Office, Brunel Mall, Stroud

What activities will you be involved in?

·      Entering information into the Allsorts database

·      Contacting donors through a variety of communication methods

·      Helping to organise and preparing for fundraising events

·      Managing collection tin and leaflet distribution

What can you gain from this opportunity?

1.   Ongoing support and supervision

2.   Making a difference to families who have children with disabilities and additional needs.

3.   Experience in working with IT systems and processes

4.   Experience of working with an innovative and growing organisation

5.   Getting involved in your local community

6.   Reimbursement of out of pocket expenses as defined in Allsorts’ volunteer policy

Is there an induction and training?

  • You will receive a full induction before you start

What are we looking for?

·      An enthusiastic and positive individual with a passion to help a local charity

·      Someone who has good organisational skills, can use a computer and is willing to learn 

What volunteers need😇 Disclosure and Barring Service

What we will provide to volunteers

💸 Reimbursement of costs🤝 Extra support
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About Allsorts

What is Allsorts?
Allsorts provides activities and support groups for children and young adults with additional needs and their families in Gloucestershire. We currently support 341 families, which equates to over 1,361 individuals.

What is Allsorts mission?
To make Gloucestershire an inclusive community in which families with children with additional needs feel supported, included, and able to contribute. Allsorts strives to help members forge new friendships, try new things, and most importantly reduce isolation.

What does Allsorts offer to members?
Sports and Fitness Activities including:
Trampoline club, Football, Softball – a sport similar to Rounders, Boccia – an inclusive sport similar to Boules

Clubs and Activities including:
Baby and Toddler Groups, Toy Library lending drop-in sessions, Gaming Club, Sibling Club, Friday night Youth Club

Support Groups including:
Grandparents Group and Parent and Carer Group

Family Trips – for example to local attractions supported by the Allsorts Support Workers

Where is Allsorts based?
Allsorts Activity Hub on the third floor in Brunel Mall, Stroud.

Allsorts Toy Library
The Allsorts Toy Library, based in the Activity Hub has over 1,000 specialist toys and pieces of equipment.
Each item is designed to make fun and learning accessible for every child with an additional need.

The Hub also has a Sensory room and Music room and is equipped with state-of-the-art sensory ceiling lighting throughout.

Allsorts is also one of the few places in Gloucestershire to have a Changing Places facility which anyone with a need in the local community can use.

The Hub is also the base for positive and friendly support groups, including:
• Parent and carer support groups
• Drop-in advice sessions (EHCP and Positive Behaviour Support)
• Baby sensory play groups
• Toddler play sessions
• Toy library lending drop in sessions