Friends of Member and Volunteer

Friends of Member and Volunteer

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Elmfield Road, Cheltenham, GL51 9JL, United Kingdom
CoordinationFundraisingSocial mediaClearing litterGardeningOutdoorsEvents & festivalSupervising
Community & familyNature & sustainabilityWellbeing
I want to build my skills for work
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Friends of Elmfield and Community Rest Garden
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Contact person

Alison SamwaysAsk Alison a question


Help us improve, protect and maintain our local park, can include planting, weeding, pruning, litter picking, helping with events, fundraising, social media.

Getting there

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Friends of Elmfield and Community Rest Garden

Friends of Elmfield are a group of local residents volunteering their time to make improvements to Elmfield Park and the Community Rest Garden on Tewkesbury Rd. We grow fruit and veg for all to enjoy, run litterpicks, community events and plant swaps, and fundraise for improvements to local green spaces.