Community Buddies
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We’re looking to create genuine, long-lasting friendships to help prevent loneliness and isolation. One-to-one friendships between volunteers and local residentDetailed description
We carefully match volunteers to individual residents who are often housebound or otherwise isolated, so that you can offer a little companionship and company to someone who needs a friend. Buddies generally catch up together once a week, to enjoy company and conversation. We match people based on proximity and try our hardest to bring people together based on mutual interests to create genuine, long-lasting friendships.
The people who we engage through Community Buddies may be a little less confident and possibly more vulnerable than most. We therefore need a DBS check before we can pair you with a resident, and we can normally confirm a DBS check within two weeks.
This is not a carer role, and you won’t be asked to carry out tasks that are essential to a person’s basic survival such as personal care, medical care, regular domestic work, and regular shopping.