Gloucestershire's Police and Crime Panel Independent Member
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The Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel is looking for a person to help oversee and scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.Detailed description
The Gloucestershire Police and Crime Panel is looking for a committed and energetic person from Gloucestershire to help oversee and scrutinise the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Police and Crime Panels maintain a regular check and balance on the performance of the directly elected Police and Crime Commissioner.
The Commissioner will be required to consult with the Panel on his plans and budget for policing, as well as the level of council tax and the appointment of a Chief Constable.
The role of a Panel member is an important one. The typical commitment required from a member of the Panel is expected to average up to one or two days a month, including preparation time. Meetings will generally be held during normal office hours at Gloucestershire County Council. All Panel members will be able to claim reasonable travelling expenses. All Panel members will receive induction and other appropriate training.
The closing date for applications is Wednesday 5th February 2025.
Previous applicants need not apply.