Event Supporter

Event Supporter

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Flexible location
People with disabilitiesHealthWellbeing

Contact person

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Insight Gloucestershire
Scan me or visit www.govolunteerglos.org/o/Insight-Gloucestershire/opportunities/Event-Supporter/84982 to join


We are looking for friendly, outgoing individuals to help make our events a success.

Detailed description

Insight Gloucestershire run a variety of events, from information days, advice and guidance sessions, sporting activities and fundraising events. This rewarding, flexible opportunity is a great way to help us raise funds, increase awareness of our services and ensure that clients feel welcomed and supported when they attend our events.

What will you be doing?

This role is flexible and varied depending upon the type of event you are supporting. You can expect to fulfil some (or all) of the following tasks:

- Helping to set up and take down a stall

- Making sure you are familiar with the venue and the facilities

- Supporting Insight Gloucestershire staff to deliver a smooth and safe event

- Welcoming participants to the event and helping collect and hand out registration materials

- Providing direction, sighted guiding and information to participants

- Handing out refreshments

- Talking to visitors about the work of Insight Gloucestershire

- Capturing photographs of the day for promotional purposes (if you feel confident doing so).

What skills and experience are needed?

- Good communication skills

- Friendly and approachable

- Good organisational skills

- Able to work with a diverse range of people

- Comfortable in a public-facing role

What will you gain from the role?

- The knowledge that you are making a positive difference to the lives of people living with sight loss

- Experience of working with a variety of people

- The experience of working within a friendly team

- An increased understanding of sight loss

- Useful event organisation experience

What support will be given?

- Induction

- Understanding Sight Loss Pack

- Expenses

- Supervision and support from the Volunteer Coordinator

- Additional training as appropriate

When and how often will you be needed?

Flexible. Times and dates vary depending on each event.


Two references required.

This volunteering opportunity is expired You can find other volunteering opportunities here.
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About Insight Gloucestershire

No matter how you have lost your sight, and at whatever stage of life you have experienced sight loss, we are here to offer support and advice.
For more than 165 years, Insight Gloucestershire has been supporting local blind and partially sighted people. We provide timely and appropriate support services for all people affected by sight loss in Gloucestershire, along with their families and friends. Our aim is to ensure people with sight loss in the county are able to lead active, independent and fulfilled lives.

Our aims are:
- To ensure all people with sight loss in our geographic area (and their family and friends) know where they can find support relevant to their personal situation.
- To provide a range of good quality, high impact services driven by the voice and needs of our clients.
- To build a strong and sustainable organisation which adds real value, can demonstrate its impact and has the confidence of the people and organisations we work with.
As a charity, we work across the county of Gloucestershire. We have a low vision resource centre in Cheltenham. We also regularly run local advice hubs and social groups in towns across the county where clients can access information, advice and guidance.