Deputy Collection & Display (C&D) Manager at Jet Age Museum

Deputy Collection & Display (C&D) Manager at Jet Age Museum

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Meteor Business Park, Cheltenham Rd E, Gloucester GL2 9QL, UK
Art & cultureOlder peopleChildren & youth
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Paul GriffithsAsk Paul a question
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Jet Age Museum
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Support the C&D Manager to deliver the approved programme of Collection & Display projects (as set out in the museum’s Forward Plan).

Detailed description

Deputy Collection and Display (C&D) Manager

Role and Responsibility Document

Jet Age Museum (JAM) engages with people in Gloucestershire and beyond to foster and inspire interest in the aviation history of the County, from the earliest days of flight through the birth of the Jet Age to the modern aerospace industry of today. The role of the Deputy Collection and Display (C&D) Manager is to support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Deliver the approved programme of Collection and Display projects (as set out in the museum’s Forward Plan).

b)     Managing the upkeep of existing artefacts and displays to ensure their quality and currency.

c)      Co-ordinate activities of C&D Volunteers and Project Managers to ensure appropriate use of resources.

d)     Proposing new Collection items or Displays which meet the overall JAM Strategic Objectives.

e)     Liaise with the Collections Trustee Champion and the Executive Committee as required.


The Deputy C&D Manager will support the C&D Manager to undertake their Roles and Responsibilities – in doing so, they may be allocated specific responsibilities:

1.      Programme and Project Management – Support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Plan, implement and manage the overall C&D Programme.

b)     Identify and manage identified HASAW risks and issues related to Collection displays.

2.      Volunteers & Project Teams – Support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Monitor and support volunteer and Project Team requirements, activities and delivery.

b)     Manage volunteer training, facilities and guidance on collection or display activities.

c)      Develop, implement and monitor C&D Department Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).


3.      Collection and Infrastructure – Support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Manage the displays, associated equipment and storage space.

b)     Manage all Collection items both on display and in the Reserve Collection.

c)      Manage access to external storage containers.

d)     In conjunction with the History and Archive Manager, maintain Records of all Collection artefacts.

4.      Displays – Support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Ensure that displays draw visitors into understanding the importance of items from all perspectives (technical; social and commercial) - by placing them in an historical context and drawing lessons for inspiring the future.

b)     Producing display information boards for exhibits.

c)      Site information boards/exhibits for visitors to view.

d)     Undertake general display tasks (e.g. cleaning displayed items).

5.      Communications & Reporting

a)      Represent the C&D Manager at Executive Committee meetings, as required.

b)     Convene C&D meetings as required for the effective communication of ongoing issues and forward plans at the Museum.


6.      Budgets – Support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Develop an annual budget estimate and manage the C&D budget as delegated by the Trustees.

7.      Recruitment – Support the C&D Manager to:

a)      Identify future Team manpower needs and produce role descriptions.

b)     Liaise with the Volunteer Co-ordination Team regarding recruitment, interview and induction requirements.

8.      Policy Guidance – Support the C&D Manager to:

Ensure C&D volunteers are familiar with relevant guidance in the Museum’s:

a)      Collections Development policy.

b)     Documentation policy, plan and procedures.

c)      Care and Conservation policy and plan.

d)     Care and Conservation policy and plan.

e)     Donations and Loans Process


The holder of this role should have at least some of the following skills/interests:

a)      Have experience of displaying artefacts to the public in an interesting and engaging way.

b)     Have basic computer skills and be familiar with Microsoft Office and MS Publisher.

c)      Have some basic graphic design skills and an ability to assist with moving items/exhibits.

d)     Be capable of managing volunteers in a Charity environment.

e)     Be familiar with Museum Accreditation requirements in order to comply with museum profession best practice (e.g. understanding acquisition, loan and disposal practice and restoration standards.

f)       Have experience of managing tasks to quality, cost and timescale.

g)      Have a good knowledge of some relevant aspect of aerospace and have an interest in aviation history.

a)      Be able to work as part of a Management team to deliver Charity objectives.


 Training will be provided to understand GAC Charity objectives and the way JAM operates and the specific policies and procedures applicable to C&D.


Required time commitment is a 10 hrs per week split on site and remote.    


C&D Manager.

Getting there

Location: Jet Age Museum is at Meteor Business Park, off Cheltenham Road East (the B4063), on the north side of Gloucestershire Airport. Look for the traffic lights between the large white Safran building and the Ontic building. Turn off the main road into Meteor Business Park at the lights and the Museum’s blue gates will be on your right. The address is: Meteor Business Park, Cheltenham Road East, Gloucester GL2 9QL. If using the What Three Words app, the square just in front of the main Jet Age Museum gates is shift.secretly.influence There is no pedestrian or vehicle access to the Museum from the Airport. If using a Satellite Navigation System and postcode, please note that this will take you to the eastern entrance of Meteor Business Park from where you will need to follow either the main road or the internal Business Park road westbound until you arrive at Jet Age Museum at the western end of the Business Park.
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About Jet Age Museum

We celebrate Gloucestershire’s rich aviation heritage from the early days of flight, through the birth of the Jet Age to the present day.

Jet Age Museum is staffed only by volunteers, some of whom flew in aircraft we have on display. Come and visit, ask questions and learn about the history of aviation in Gloucestershire and beyond. We aim to preserve the past and inspire the future.