Trustee for Governance at Jet Age Museum

Trustee for Governance at Jet Age Museum

Organisation role · Flexible hours
Meteor Business Park, Cheltenham Rd E, Gloucester GL2 9QL, UK
Art & cultureOlder peopleChildren & youth
Employer Supported Volunteer

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Paul GriffithsAsk Paul a question
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Jet Age Museum
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Jet Age is looking to appoint a new Trustee board member to assist the Chair and the other Trustees to fulfil their Governance duties and responsibilities.

Detailed description

The Gloucestershire Aviation Collection, trading as Jet Age Museum, celebrates Gloucestershire’s rich aviation heritage from the early days of flight, through the birth of the Jet Age, right up to the present day. A unique collection of fully restored aircraft, cockpits, engines, plus many other artefacts of great historical value are displayed in our large purpose built museum. The site also accommodates a modern aircraft restoration facility, where a team of highly skilled volunteer aircraft engineers lovingly restore important aircraft and cockpits. The museum is very well established, enjoying great support from its many visitors and a dedicated team of strategic and operational volunteers.

We are now looking to appoint a new Trustee board member to assist the Chair and the other Trustees to fulfil their Governance duties and responsibilities. Using your experience and expertise, you will oversee the existing regime of Governance and advise on how to strengthen processes and procedures where necessary.

The key responsibilities are as follows:

Ensure that the Jet Age Museum pursues its stated charitable objectives as defined in the Articles of Association and applies its resources exclusively in pursuance of its charitable objectives.


Ensure that the Trustees regularly review financial and strategic goals and evaluate performance against agreed outcomes.


Ensure that the views of all volunteers are regularly sought and considered.

Keep the Trustees informed of their overall governance, financial, legal and charitable status duties and responsibilities referencing The Charity Commission Guide and The Charity Governance Code.

Ensure that the Jet Age Museum complies with all its legal, statutory and regulatory requirements.


Ensure the Trustees have a clear, agreed and effective approach to supporting equality, diversity and inclusion throughout the organisation and in its own practice.


Ensure that the Jet Age Museum maintains a comprehensive Disaster Recovery Plan and that it is reviewed and updated annually.


Ensure adherence to the terms, conditions and renewal requirements for existing Accreditation Awards.

Ensure the level, quantity and frequency of financial information and reporting allows the board to fulfil its legal and statutory responsibilities.

Consider procuring external professional advice on any matter that presents a material risk to the Jet Age Museum or where the trustees could be perceived to be lacking in expertise or in breach of their duties.

Ensure that the major risks to the Jet Age Museum are regularly identified, documented and reviewed and that systems are in place to mitigate or minimise these risks. 


Ensure that the Jet Age Museum has an overall governance structure and regime that is appropriate to a charity of its size/complexity, stage of development.

Getting there

Location: Jet Age Museum is at Meteor Business Park, off Cheltenham Road East (the B4063), on the north side of Gloucestershire Airport. Look for the traffic lights between the large white Safran building and the Ontic building. Turn off the main road into Meteor Business Park at the lights and the Museum’s blue gates will be on your right. The address is: Meteor Business Park, Cheltenham Road East, Gloucester GL2 9QL If using the What Three Words app, the square just in front of the main Jet Age Museum gates is shift.secretly.influence There is no pedestrian or vehicle access to the Museum from the Airport. If using a Satellite Navigation System and postcode, please note that this will take you to the eastern entrance of Meteor Business Park from where you will need to follow either the main road or the internal Business Park road westbound until you arrive at Jet Age Museum at the western end of the Business Park.
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About Jet Age Museum

We celebrate Gloucestershire’s rich aviation heritage from the early days of flight, through the birth of the Jet Age to the present day.

Jet Age Museum is staffed only by volunteers, some of whom flew in aircraft we have on display. Come and visit, ask questions and learn about the history of aviation in Gloucestershire and beyond. We aim to preserve the past and inspire the future.