Pantry Volunteer
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The West Cheltenham Pantry is looking for new volunteers to help support the pantry and its members.Detailed description
Volunteer Role Information.
WCP need consistent volunteers on either Tuesday's, Wednesday's or Thursday's for full 9.30am - 1.00pm shifts weekly.
Tuesday Shift 9.30am - 1.00pm - Delivery Only (No pantry members)
Volunteer responsibilities / duties
The Tuesday shift is a physical role which is focussed on receiving food deliveries, unpacking crates and stocking shelves, stock rotation, removing cardboard boxes to the recycling area, helping to make sure the pantry is clean, tidy and presentable ready for members to attend on a Wednesday. All volunteers that support the pantry on delivery day's will be asked to complete a free online manual handling course before taking on duties and will be provided PPE for the role.
Wednesday and Thursday Shift - 9.30am - 1.00pm - Fruit and vegetable allocation
Volunteer responsibilities / duties
Completing opening checks on arrival with the rest of the team. (Full training provided)
The fruit and veg volunteer will be responsible for asking pantry members what selection of fruit and veg they would like, and then filling baskets with the produce ready for members to take with them to the checkout. The volunteer role is sociable, and it is expected that volunteers make members feel welcome at all times. Other duties can include greeting members at the door with shopping baskets and generally offering great customer service. Some members may need support shopping. At the end of a shift volunteers are asked to help with closing checks.
This is a very rewarding role, and our members greatly value the service that is being provided from feedback we have received. We have seen our number of active members growing swiftly, prompting the need for additional support within the pantry. The role itself is very sociable, and structured.
WCP will provide volunteers the opportunity to complete their mandatory manual handling training , and optional Food & Hygiene Level 2 certificate and Food allergy awareness training if they would like to continue with further training.
Once we have received your message of interest, you will be directly emailed a volunteer application form to complete and return. Once your application for has been returned, we will arrange to call you to discuss the application further.
All successful applicants will receive a full induction and training. All staff and volunteers are required to have a DBS check, which WCP will pay for.
Thank you for your interest in volunteering at the West Cheltenham Pantry.