Friends of Winston Churchill Memorial Garden & Honeybourne Line

About Friends of Winston Churchill Memorial Garden & Honeybourne Line

The Friends of the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden & Honeybourne Line work with Cheltenham Borough Council's Green Space Development Team and others to improve the environment of the Winston Churchill Memorial Garden and Honeybourne Line in Cheltenham.
We hold regular volunteer working parties on the second and fourth Thursday morning of each month, and new volunteers are always welcome. No gardening knowledge is necessary. All equipment is provided, just make sure that you are wearing clothing suitable for working outside. We break for coffee and cakes halfway through the morning to catch up and discuss plans for the park. Volunteers are invited to donate £1 to the cost of refreshments.
We also help to raise funds for improvements to the park (e.g. new play equipment and benches) and host and organise occasional events.


Cover Photos
Friends of Winston Churchill Memorial Garden & Honeybourne Line